Sunday, January 06, 2008

More unsettling news from Pakistan

Yesterday I posted about the governor of Pakistans' northern region resigning and today there is more evidence of the situation getting worse.
Hundreds of families, comprising some 6,000 mainly women and children, have been crossing the border.
This points to the possibility that the men are staying behind to either fight or they are choosing sides.In any case I don't know if Musharraf can contain the spread of Islamic radicals to this so called border region. Most people said at the time when he worked out a so called peace agreement with the tribes in Waziristan that it would come back to bite him.

We all know now that in the radical Muslim dictionary a cease fire or "peace" treaty is simply a halt to allow them to rearm and recover for the next offensive. They can't be talked to, no matter how much the Democrats wish it to be so. They only understand one thing and that is force.

I would not expect an Anbar type awakening in these regions since the only opposition to the real blood letting Islamists in the region are only slightly less oppressive then the tribes they are attacking.

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