Tuesday, January 08, 2008

E Harmony for political candidates

Having trouble deciding who to vote for? Can't figure out who the ideal match for you is? Take this little quiz consisting of 17 questions and let some anonymous computer program make the choice for you. In the interest of full disclosure here are my results.
78% John McCain
77% Mitt Romney
73% Fred Thompson
72% Mike Huckabee
71% Rudy Giuliani
69% Tom Tancredo
50% Ron Paul
44% Hillary Clinton
39% Bill Richardson
39% John Edwards
38% Joe Biden
37% Barack Obama
37% Chris Dodd
26% Mike Gravel
19% Dennis Kucinich

2008 Presidential Candidate Matching Quiz
I don't have a wide spread among the Republicans and my preferred choice is Fred Thompson, definitely not Mr Amnesty John McCain.
Hat tip to Uncle Jimbo over at my favorite milblog Blackfive.
While you are there read Jimbos take on the Iranian navy.
"Cringe infidels! Kneel before my puny pimped-out Boston Whaler. I spit on your aircraft carriers, your Tomahawk missiles, your PHALANX gatling gun from Hell." "Holy camel shite Mahmoud, not this freakin' close are you insane? Run Away! Run Away!"
Rough translation from Farsi.

JWF here.

Interesting. Here's how I stacked up.

91% Mitt Romney
87% Fred Thompson
84% Tom Tancredo
77% John McCain
71% Mike Huckabee
69% Ron Paul
62% Rudy Giuliani
36% Bill Richardson
27% Hillary Clinton
25% John Edwards
24% Chris Dodd
23% Barack Obama
22% Joe Biden
18% Mike Gravel
12% Dennis Kucinich

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